Write a First Module


  • A working installation of DV on your computer

    • macOS Make sure to also install the dv-runtime package via brew

    • Windows Development on Windows is not yet supported

  • Knowledge of C++ programming

  • A working C++ toolchain for your system, including cmake

  • Your C++ editor or IDE of choice

Start a new project

A demo module that counts events can be found on Gitlab. (https://gitlab.com/inivation/dv/dv-example-cpp).

Clone the start module repository with git

git clone https://gitlab.com/inivation/dv/dv-example-cpp.git

Rename project

After downloading, let’s rename the project first. First, rename the project folder

mv dv-example-cpp my-first-module

after that, rename the project name in the CMakeLists.txt file by changing the line PROJECT(dv-example-cpp C CXX) with your favourite text editor. For example, you could change it to PROJECT(my-first-module C CXX).

Command Line Build

To build the demo module from terminal, use the following commands:

cd my-first-module
cmake .
make -j2 -s
sudo make install

If everything goes well, you should end up with a file my-first-module.(so|dylib) in the modules directory.


QT Creator

Click File -> Open File or Project… and select the projects CMakeLists.txt. Configure the project by selecting the builds you want to create and specify their location or use the default.


Click File -> Open and select the project root directory. CLion should automatically detect the project as a CMake project and try to run cmake in the project folder.


Eclipse does not support cmake natively yet. It does however support Makefile projects. Since cmake essentially generates a Makefile, we can run cmake in the command line and open the resulting project in Eclipse.

Run cmake in the project directory

cmake .

Now, you can import it into Eclipse with File -> Import… -> Existing Code as Makefile Project.


The project is a simple CMake project. If your IDE supports CMake, it should be capable of opening the project out of the box.

Run configuration

Set your IDEs run configuration to launch dv-runtime. dv-runtime is (most likely) in /usr/bin (Linux) or /usr/local/bin (macOS).

QT Creator run configuration

Run configuration for QT Creator (Projects -> Build & Run -> Run).

Clion run configuration Run configuration for CLion.

To have DV load modules automatically when running the project within an IDE, add DV_MODULES_PATH=$PATH_TO_MODULE_PROJECT to Environment variables. ($PATH_TO_MODULE_PROJECT is a path to the project root directory of your new module.)

Set up DV

To iteratively test a module, you will have to set up DV the following way

  1. Launch DV

  2. Disable Connect to -> Manage local runtime instances. This tells DV to not start its own runtime, and just wait for someone else to start a runtime in its behalf.

  3. Select Shutdown if DV asks to shut down the current instance.

  4. DV is now waiting for a runtime to be started externally, and will connect as soon as one is started DV waiting for connection

  5. Start your runtime by clicking the play button in your IDE. Make sure to have set up your IDE run configuration as described above.

  6. As soon as DV connects to the runtime, select the Structure tab, click on Add module and select Modify module search path.

  7. Click on Add path and add the path where you compiled your modules project directory. Click on Done. Adding a module search path

  8. Click on Add module again. If your module compiled succesfully, it should show up in the list of available modules to add. Click on your module name. Adding user module

  9. Connect the input and outputs of your module. Drag the connections from outputs into your modules inputs, and drag connections from your modules outputs to other inputs. Adding user module

  10. Click the Play Button on your module to start it.

  11. If your module is working, you should see your expected outputs.

Adapt the module

Getting event data from an input

Event data gets passed between modules in packets. The size of event packets is decided by the interval the preceeding module emits the packets. The run function gets executed whenever there is new data available, or, when nothing happens, periodically.

Every module has inputs. Inputs are defined in the initInputs function. The demo module we just compiled before, has an events input called “events”. To access the most recently arrived data packet on this input and iterate over the events, override the run function as such:

void run() override {
    auto inData = inputs.getEventInput("events").events();

    for (const auto &event : inData) {
        // do something with the events

Getting meta data from an input

Input do not only provide raw data, they also provide (static) meta information, such as width and height dimensions. For example, to get the width and height of the event input, write:

int width = inputs.getEventInput("events").sizeX();
int height = inputs.getEventInput("events").sizeY();

There is a simple counting algorithm already implemented in the example project

Adding outputs

Modules can not only take data, they can also output data to subsequent modules. Module outputs are defined in the static initOutputs function. Since the example module we worked on so far, does not have an initOutputs function, we add it like so

static void initOutputs(dv::OutputDefinitionList &out) {

The out.addEventOutput("events"); line adds an output of the event type, with the name “events” to the module. Contrary to the input case, we’re not entierly done yet. Any output you define in your module has to be assigned its required meta data. For example, an event output needs to have an assigned width and height to it. It is common that you would want to setup the output with the same dimensions as an input to the module. Since the information to what is actually connected to an input is only available at run time, we do not perform the setup call in the initOutputs function, but rather in the classes constructor.

Since our class does not have a constuctor yet, we create one like so:

ExampleModule() {

The line in the constructor body sets up the event output named “events” to the same parameters as the event input named “events”. To set the output up with different parameters, you can call a different setup function like

outputs.getEventOutput("events").setup(346, 260, "Data from example module");

Adding config options

Config options are configurable parameters that are displayed in the gui for easy access. Config options are defined in the initConfigOptions function. In our example app, the initConfigOptions function already exists. The value of a config option can be accessed in the run function by calling config.getInt (or similar for other datatypes).

static void initConfigOptions(dv::RuntimeConfig &config) {
		"printInterval", dv::ConfigOption::intOption(
							 "Interval in number of events between consecutive printing of the event number.", 10000));

A note on performance: Looking up the value of a config option requires an access to a hashmap with a string key. This is an efficient operation, but in case of event-by-event processing, it still adds considerable overhead. To solve this issue, one can override a function void configUpdate() which gets called whenever a config value is changed by the user. Use this function to look up config values and copy them into local variables to improve performance in the run function. Example:

void configUpdate() override {
    printInterval = config.getInt("printInterval");

Example: Create a refractorary period filter

The complete code for this example can be accessed at gitlab.com/inivation/dv/dv-tutorial-code

Time to make our example module do something useful. A refractory period filter limits the maximum firing rate of a pixel. Whenever an event at a pixel passes through the filter, all subsequent events are discarded until the refractory period is over.

Add private data members

Let’s change the private data members of our class to store the data we need to function

    // user selectable refractory period in microseconds
    long refractoryPeriod;
    // a matrix storing the last firing times for every pixel
    dv::TimeMat lastFiringTimes;

The first integer refractoryPeriod stores a configuration value, where the user can set the refractory period to a user defined value. The second member lastFiringTimes is of the dv::TimeMat type. dv::TimeMat is a simple matrix type that stores a 2D array of 64bit integers. We usually use the OpenCV Mat types for handling 2D data. OpenCV does not provide a 64bit integer type, which is why we provide the dv::TimeMat type. Make sure to include

#include <dv-sdk/processing.hpp>

Set inputs and outputs

Our refractory period filter needs exactly one event input and one event output. We define them as follows:

static void initInputs(dv::InputDefinitionList &in) {

static void initOutputs(dv::OutputDefinitionList &out) {

Set description

Let’s set the description of the refractory period filter

static const char *initDescription() {
    return "This module filters events by applying a refractory period to the event timestamps.";

Set configuration options

Our refractory period filter should have exactly one configuration option, the option to set the refractory period. The type of the option is long and we set a default of 10ms with sensible range from 1ms to 1000ms.

static void initConfigOptions(dv::RuntimeConfig &config) {
		"refractoryPeriod", dv::ConfigOption::longOption("Refractory period to apply to events (in ms)", 10, 1, 1000));


The setPriorityOptions call only makes sure that the config option is exposed to the right side bar of the gui by default. If you do not specify this, you access the option in the gui by clicking on the black plus icon.

Set constructor

The job of the constructor is all about initializing private data members as well as outputs. We initialize the lastFiringTimes array as well as the output to the same dimensions as the events input.

ExampleModule() : refractoryPeriod(0), lastFiringTimes(inputs.getEventInput("events").size()) {

Define the config update

The configUpdate function gets called at the start (before run) as well as whenever the config is changed. In our case, only when the user changes the refractoryPeriod configuration. In the function, we look up the new value and store it in the private data member. We could look up the value in the run function as well, but since config changes are quite rare, it makes sense to only do it when there is a change.

void configUpdate() override {
    refractoryPeriod = config.getLong("refractoryPeriod") * 1000;

We multiply the value by 1000, to convert the value from miliseconds to microseconds.

Implement run function

The run function is where the actual processing happens. Our refractory period filter is pretty simple:

void run() override {
    auto input = inputs.getEventInput("events");
    auto output = outputs.getEventOutput("events");

    for (const auto &event : input.events()) {
        if ((event.timestamp() - lastFiringTimes.at(event.y(), event.x())) > refractoryPeriod) {
            lastFiringTimes.at(event.y(), event.x()) = event.timestamp();
            output << event;
    output << dv::commit;

If the time between the current event and the last firing time at that position is larger than the refractory period, update the last firing time for that pixel and append the event to the output.

After we appended all events the output, calling output << dv::commit; sends the events out in a packet to the next module.

Congratulations, you built your first useful module!

The complete code for this example can be accessed at gitlab.com/inivation/dv/dv-tutorial-code
